Pastoral Care

At St George’s if you cannot come to church we bring the church to you. Generally, there are between 25 and 30 people on the list of shut-ins. Members visit parishioners in hospitals, senior residences and private homes, attending to their various needs, including banking, shopping and getting library books. Licensed administrants take communion to these members of our family. Pastoral Care is a central part of the lay ministry at St George’s.

Winnipeg's Core Area

St George’s is active where community need is great. For example: Mittens, toques, scarves, sweaters and jackets are provided to some inner-city schools.  We also have provided bus passes and school supplies.  At Christmas we provide donations to the Christmas Cheer Board.  The Thelma Wynne Project focuses on mothers with newborn babies requiring assistance. The parishioners donate articles for baby layettes, each layette consisting of about 20 items. Personal care items are also available for the mothers. These donations are sent to the depot at St Matthew’s Church where kits are assembled for a number of charitable agencies. Volunteers from St George’s Church staff the Depot.  We collect used glasses for the Lion’s Eye Bank.  We also provide clothing and school supplies to Norquay School and to King Edward School and Niji Mahkwa School.


Sharing Our Faith, Our Resources and Ourselves

The formal relationship between the Diocese of Rupert’s Land and the Diocese of Central Buganda ended in 2024.  The parish church of All Martyrs, Ndoddo, Diocese of Central Buganda ,Uganda, has been the sister church of St George’s for many years and an informal relationship continues.   It is located about an hour from Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.   We have helped this parish by providing funding for school books, assisting with exchange clergy visits, purchasing a cow for the minister.  A parishioner made a visit to the parish in October 2019 – and it was an amazing and rewarding experience.

We provided about 300 pairs of shoes for children in Ndoddo who walk to school without shoes each day.

We supported the university studies of a young woman from Ndoddo parish who is studied to be a primary school teacher and has now completed her training and has full-time work.  We also supported a second student from Ndoddo parish studying at University.  Funds have been donated by parishioners for COVID-19 relief in the Ndoddo parish also.

We have also provided $90,000 in funds for a water system to bring potable water close to Ndoddo.  Work was completed in August 2006.  The water system provides fresh water to Bulo, very near Ndoddo.

Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

How can one possibly make a difference to world poverty, famine and disease? One agency that responds and makes a difference is the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. This is a Anglican organization supported by St. George’s, committed to international development and global justice.  For more information on workshops, etc.



For over 50 years, St. George’s has sponsored and supported refugees from many countries: Hungary, Vietnam, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Iran, Afghanistan, Croatia, Eritrea, Syria, and Sudan.

You can support our mission and ministry initiatives with a electronic, cheque or cash donation to the Church, marked “Mission and Ministry Support”. These donations will be receipted by St. George’s for income tax purposes.